[Rock-dev] [rock] #491: transformer puts task in toplevel namespace, if no namespace is given
2014-09-25 12:49:22 UTC
#491: transformer puts task in toplevel namespace, if no namespace is given
Reporter: lech01 | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: gui | Keywords:
the transformer puts a task in the toplevel namespace with leading /, if
no namespace is given, and the namespace cannot be set explicitly.
eg. aria -> /aria

One result is, that e.g. vizkit cannot connect to the dynamic_transforms
of that task on a different host. Maybe because of the leading / it is not
searching for the task in different locations...

Workaround is to give the IP instead of the host name in
Orocos::CORBA.name_service.ip (as the name suggests) both on the host
running the tasks and the host running e.g. vizkit.
Ticket URL: <https://rock.opendfki.de/ticket/491>
rock <https://rock.opendfki.de>
rock: the robot construction kit