[Rock-dev] Rock drivers in Github
Javier Hidalgo Carrió
2014-08-19 15:35:47 UTC

I noticed that iodrivers_base among other stuffs recently moved to
github.com/rock-drivers. Then, I was wondering whether it is something
isolated or perhaps is the right time to:

1) Directly put new rock-drivers in github instead to first put it
in gitorious?
2) Migrate "my" (the main maintainer) existing drivers from
gitorious to github?

Sylvain Joyeux
2014-08-19 18:31:09 UTC
As we mentioned when we "designed" the migration process, the guideline is:
- as maintainer, *you* choose to move to github or not (but we do
encourage you to)
- I personally would prefer that new packages go to github directly,
but again that's the maintainer's call

I've just noticed that the process to get these packages in github is
actually not described anywhere. What makes the most sense IMO is:
1. add an issue on https://github.com/rock-core/rock-package_set
asking about creating the new repositories, as well as getting into
the relevant teams (you should get into the Maintainers team of the
relevant organization and you get to decide whether some other regular
contributors should be in the Contributors team to get direct push
2. when the repositories are created, push your code and create a
pull request also on https://github.com/rock-core/rock-package_set in
which you either modify or add the relevant entries in source.yml /
autobuild files.

iodrivers_base is at stage 2, i.e. the pull request is not merged yet

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Javier Hidalgo Carri?
Post by Javier Hidalgo Carrió
I noticed that iodrivers_base among other stuffs recently moved to
github.com/rock-drivers. Then, I was wondering whether it is something
1) Directly put new rock-drivers in github instead to first put it
in gitorious?
2) Migrate "my" (the main maintainer) existing drivers from
gitorious to github?
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