[Rock-dev] base/types compatibility headers not found
Sebastian Kasperski
2014-09-17 11:53:46 UTC
Hi all,

I currently have an issue with a type declaration including the old base/types
error: base/time.h: No such file or directory
These compatibility header are available in my installation in
include/base/backward/base/, but not found. Any idea how to fix this?

Best regards,
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Alexander Duda
2014-09-17 11:56:08 UTC
Use base/Time.hpp instead.

Post by Sebastian Kasperski
Hi all,
I currently have an issue with a type declaration including the old
error: base/time.h: No such file or directory
These compatibility header are available in my installation in
include/base/backward/base/, but not found. Any idea how to fix this?
Best regards,
Rock-dev mailing list
Rock-dev at dfki.de
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Duda
Robotics Innovation Center

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E-Mail: Alexander.Duda at dfki.de

Weitere Informationen: http://www.dfki.de/robotik
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
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Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
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Sylvain Joyeux
2014-09-18 15:51:22 UTC
You probably did not add a pkg-config dependency on base-types. Which
usually works because the root include dir is already added, but fails
for the backward compatibility header.

If you are using the Rock CMake macros, add a

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Sebastian Kasperski
Post by Sebastian Kasperski
Hi all,
I currently have an issue with a type declaration including the old
error: base/time.h: No such file or directory
These compatibility header are available in my installation in
include/base/backward/base/, but not found. Any idea how to fix this?
Best regards,
Rock-dev mailing list
Rock-dev at dfki.de
Sylvain Joyeux
2014-09-18 15:52:19 UTC
To add to what Alex said:

These backward-compatible headers have been there for quite a while,
and will be discontinued at some point [1]

PS: note to self, the definition of "at some point" in this sentence
is yet another discussion that we will have to have
Post by Sylvain Joyeux
You probably did not add a pkg-config dependency on base-types. Which
usually works because the root include dir is already added, but fails
for the backward compatibility header.
If you are using the Rock CMake macros, add a
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Sebastian Kasperski
Post by Sebastian Kasperski
Hi all,
I currently have an issue with a type declaration including the old
error: base/time.h: No such file or directory
These compatibility header are available in my installation in
include/base/backward/base/, but not found. Any idea how to fix this?
Best regards,
Rock-dev mailing list
Rock-dev at dfki.de