[Rock-dev] A small look ahead ... Ruby 1.9 is going to die.
Sylvain Joyeux
2014-10-08 18:12:54 UTC
Yes, we've been there already with 1.8 and we'll have to do it again with 1.9.

1.9's end of life is 02/2015. That's less than 6 months from now. The
good news is that I am running on 2.1 for the last few months already,
and there's nothing bad to report (actually, as a developer, there are
only good things - good CPU and memory profiling ! Finally !)

14.04 ships with 2.0 and we will discontinue 12.04 in October (wait,
that's ... now ! Hard to fathom that we're in October, it's so bright
and shiny here !).

So ... We'll need a plan. In the same way that we first dog-fooded 1.9
among developers, I would like to suggest:

- that we warn the users about this right now
- that rock developers start using 2.0 or 2.1 right now
- that we start recommending 2.0 in 2 months time (that would be beginning of
- we discontinue 1.9 support in june 2015.

Jakob Schwendner
2014-10-09 07:05:33 UTC
Post by Sylvain Joyeux
- that we warn the users about this right now
- that rock developers start using 2.0 or 2.1 right now
- that we start recommending 2.0 in 2 months time (that would be beginning of
- we discontinue 1.9 support in june 2015.
Sounds good to me. Will discontinue 1.9 support mean that we will actively
encourage to break backward compatibility?


Sylvain Joyeux
2014-10-09 12:39:55 UTC
Post by Jakob Schwendner
Sounds good to me. Will discontinue 1.9 support mean that we will actively
encourage to break backward compatibility?
To me: yes, because ruby 2.0+ has keyword arguments which would
finally allow to get rid of Kernel.validate_options, replacing it by a
built-in language feature (cleaner, automatically documented) that is
two times faster (once
https://github.com/orocos-toolchain/utilrb/pull/9 is applied ...
currently it is up to 8 times faster ...)

Honestly, it is one of the reasons why I want to push for it.


Vincent vittori
2014-10-09 07:52:36 UTC

Can you ( somebody) point out how to correctly change ruby inside the rock
environment ?
I remember that it was not that easy for 1.9 already and since it's quite
tricky with rock, a step by step process would be greatly appreciated.


Post by Sylvain Joyeux
Yes, we've been there already with 1.8 and we'll have to do it again with 1.9.
1.9's end of life is 02/2015. That's less than 6 months from now. The
good news is that I am running on 2.1 for the last few months already,
and there's nothing bad to report (actually, as a developer, there are
only good things - good CPU and memory profiling ! Finally !)
14.04 ships with 2.0 and we will discontinue 12.04 in October (wait,
that's ... now ! Hard to fathom that we're in October, it's so bright
and shiny here !).
So ... We'll need a plan. In the same way that we first dog-fooded 1.9
- that we warn the users about this right now
- that rock developers start using 2.0 or 2.1 right now
- that we start recommending 2.0 in 2 months time (that would be beginning of
- we discontinue 1.9 support in june 2015.
Rock-dev mailing list
Rock-dev at dfki.de
Vincent Vittori
Robotic engineer MARUM
University of Bremen
4 Leobener Stra?e, 28359 Bremen RAUM 1520

<http://maps.google.com/maps?q=&hl=en>*DE Mobile :* +49 152 242 37 465
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*Email:* vittori.vincent at gmail.com
*IM:* vincent.vittori1 (Skype)
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Sylvain Joyeux
2014-10-09 12:35:23 UTC
Post by Vincent vittori
Can you ( somebody) point out how to correctly change ruby inside the
rock environment ? I remember that it was not that easy for 1.9 already and
since it's quite tricky with rock, a step by step process would be greatly

You have to re-bootstrap your environment. There is no safe, supported, way
to change the ruby version inside an existing environment. If you're
interested on some of the details about how the ruby version is handled,
see https://github.com/rock-core/base-cmake/pull/7

To choose which version of ruby you want to use, you currently have to run
the autoproj bootstrap script (NOT bootstrap.sh) with the relevant ruby
binary, e.g. on Debian for ruby 2.1

ruby2.1 autoproj_bootstrap git https://github.com/rock-core/buildconf

We will have to allow overriding the ruby binary in bootstrap.sh as well
for convenience.

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